Isabel Romeo Taiko

Isabel Romeo

We are pleased that Isabel Romeo is one of this year’s festival contributors.

Isabel began taiko with Ago Kaijin Daiko while working in Japan as a dancer. Since returning to Spain, she has been very active in various taiko-related projects: teaching workshops and lessons, contributing to taiko documentaries and articles, performing with dance companies as well as paneling a discussion at the 1st European Taiko Conference. For Isabel, taiko is a joyous way of personal development and expression that incorporates rhythm and movement as well as listening skills, teamwork, trust and self-confidence.

Her movement workshop is sure to challenge you and excite your creativity!



We’re please to have Steven Cools as one of this year’s festival contributors.

Steven has long been fascinated by drums and rhythm. For years his main focus was on playing drum kit until eventually getting hooked on taiko after an inspiriting workshop. Since then, Steven has been playing taiko, recently started offering workshops, and is currently looking for players for his InnerDrum project to spread the taiko message in Belgium.

Don’t miss learning some of his challenging rhythm drills in his workshop!

Shogo Yoshii

Shogo Yoshii

We are very pleased to have Shogo Yoshii as one of this year’s festival contributors.

In his youth, Shogo traveled the Japanese countryside studying traditional folksongs and tribal music. In 2003, he entered the Kodo Apprentice Centre and became a member of Kodo’s performing arts ensemble in 2007. On stage in Kodo, he was featured on the taiko, metallic percussion, bamboo flutes, kokyu (Japanese violin) and in numerous dance pieces. His original composition ‘Sora’ is used in a textbook for Japanese elementary school students.

In 2010, he joined the musical ensemble of ‘Babel’, choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet. In the same year, he was music director and performer in Arte y Solera’s flamenco piece, ‘Dojoji’. Shogo is also involved in the productions ‘Noetic’ and ‘Fractus V’, with which he is currently on tour in Europe.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see him in concert or to take part in his Yokouchi workshop!

Fulda Taiko Dojo

Fulda Taiko Dojo

We are pleased that Edoart Peters is one of this year’s festival contributors.

Eduard, the founder and director of Fulda Taiko Dojo, began his career in 2004. He is one of oldest German taiko students of the Japanese taiko teacher Katsuji Kondo, after whose example he teaches own students since 2007. Precision, dynamics and a balanced efficient form, accompanied by modern developed technique aptly describe the energetic and ergonomic style, which Eduard has made his own.

Apart from leading a workshop, Edo will present his very own taiko equipment at the festival marketplace!


Wadaiko Tokara


We have been blown away by the response to the upcoming Taiko Spirit festival! But why not pump up the anticipation even more, shall we?!

We are happy to announce that Art Lee and Yukari Ichise will be two of this year’s festival contributors!

Wadaiko Tokara has become a strong force in the world of taiko both in Japan and internationally. While incorporating arrangements of traditional taiko pieces into their performance, Tokara has pioneered a jaw-dropping style of taiko, where speed and power meet eloquent movements. We are positive that Art and Yukari’s fun and challenging workshops will be a major highlight for everyone. CAN’T WAIT!

Please register for more contributors announcements, as well as ticket and workshop details in the coming weeks!

Kion Dojo


We are thrilled to announce Ingmar Kikat is one of this year’s festival contributors!

Ingmar has a wide background from classical percussion to jazz and rock and started playing Taiko in 2001. He founded Kion Dojo in Hamburg, Germany in 2006 and the cutting edge performance group Taikoon in 2008, after living in Tokyo as a member of Tawoo Dojo (Gocoo). He plays and teaches a unique way of playing taiko with unheard of melodic arrangements. Looking forward to some deep grooves in his workshop.

Stay tuned for performance and workshop details in the coming weeks!

Tsuchigumo Daiko


We are ecstatic to announce that Martin Doyle and Shonagh Walker are two of this year’s festival contributors!

From the UK to Japan, Martin and Shonagh have performed in countless shows while touring and playing professionally with Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers. In 2016, they co-founded Tsuchigumo Daiko based in Central Scotland, which has quickly taken the European taiko scene by storm with its explosive energy and diverse playing styles. This accomplished and dynamic couple is enthusiastic to connect and share with the taiko community with open minds and hearts.

Stay tuned for workshop and performance details in the coming weeks!